General Director of Intergas Central Asia, JSC

Chairman of the Management Board


Mr. Kasseyev was born on August 14, 1967 in East-Kazakhstan oblast.
Education: Graduate of Kazakh Polytechnical Institute (1991) named after V.I. Lenin, Engineer.

1991 – 1998,  Management positions in commercial entities.

1998 – 2001, Director of Ust-Kamenogorsk Gas Management Administration, LLP, then Deputy Managing Director of Alautransgas, OJSC.

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Chairman of the Board of Directors


Deputy General Director on Economics and Finance, KazTransGas, JSC


Independent Director


Independent Director



10 января 2022 года - день общенационального траура в Республике Казахстан

 In Astana, General Director of Intergas Central Asia, JSC, Manas Tassybayev addressed the employees with a report on the results of the Company's activities in 2022.

Thus, in 2022, the performance of production program, in terms of the volume of gas transportation, amounted to 54,663 million m3 or 106% of the planned objective.

The planned overhaul of the main and auxiliary equipment at the facilities of the main gas pipelines and UGS was completed in full scope, and the total income exceeded the target value by 9%.

In 2022, the Company achieved all of the set goals and accomplished important objectives. 

As part of the updating of the Gas Supply Master Plan, the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31 December 2022 No.1143 On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 4 November 2014 No.1171 regarding the Approval of the Master Scheme for Gasification in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2030, was adopted. 

With the aim to implement the provisions of paragraph 4 of the Minutes of the Meeting on the Gas Industry Development of the dated 17 June 2021 No. 21-01-7.11 regarding the technical audit of the main gas pipelines and the development of a plan for the modernization of the gas transmission system, the Company carried out the audit of the line facilities of the main gas pipelines with a total length of 7,284 km.


Intergas Central Asia, JSC pursues the proactive investment policy and regularly implements a set of actions for repair and modernization of the domestic network of the main gas pipelines to ensure the ongoing international transit, domestic transportation of the natural gas and more efficient use of existing assets of the pipeline system.

1. In line with the project for "Construction of the looping of the Makat-North Caucasus pipeline", with the implementation period set between November 2021 to March 2023, the contractors carry out the land handling and construction and installation work around the clock in 2 shifts. The project is expected to be completed on time.

2. Pursuant to the project for "Construction of the 2nd line of the Beineu-Zhanaozen gas pipeline", with the implementation period being November 2021 - December 2023, the relevant DED (design and engineering documentation) for the project was developed. To date, all preparatory work has been completed (mobilization of equipment and personnel, equipment of shift camps), land handling work to construct the trench has been finished and construction has begun. According to the project for "Reconstruction of the gas transmission system of the Mangistau region", with the implementation period scheduled for August 2021 - December 2024, the supply of pipes was completed in full scope, installation of 4 valves scheduled for 2023, was completed.

3. Other projects, including the "Construction of Gas Infrastructure for TETS-2, TETS-3 in Almaty city" indicate the obtained positive conclusion from the RSE "Gosexpertiza", further, the tender procedures for the purchase of construction and installation works are underway.

For the 2nd line of the Almaty-Baiserke-Talgar gas pipeline, a positive conclusion is expected to be obtained in March 2023.

4. With respect to the project for "Gasification of the Sarsha area and the Warm Beach resort area", where the implementation period is set for July 2021 - October 2022, the work has been completed. The GDS and gas pipeline branch are filled with gas. The facility was commissioned and put into operation on 14.10.2022.

5. In accordance with the project for "Construction of a main gas pipeline from the Kashagan GTP to the Makat-North Caucasus gas pipeline with a BCS", with the implementation period provided for June 2021 - February 2023, the work is being carried out in line with the schedule.


 Turning to the issues of social and personnel policy, General Director noted that the Company employees are the key resource of the Company. It is due to their competence, experience and motivation the Company is achieving the outstanding results and looks into the future with confidence. The Company provides the necessary conditions for each employee to have competitive remuneration and social guarantees, as well as opportunities for professional and personal growth.

Thus, in order to improve the professional skills of the employees, identify and spread safe and advanced labor methods and techniques, and to increase the prestige of the production worker profession, Intergas Central Asia holds an annual competition of professional skills "UZDIK MAMAN".

The event gathered the representatives of 15 production professions (105 participants) and strengthened the higher material and personal incentives of the employees to ensure accident-free operation and high technical reliability of the gas transmission system. According to the results of the competition, 15 employees received the highest awards, 15 more were granted the 2nd prize and 15 employees were on the 3rd place. The winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas, as well as an annual salary bonus for high professional skills.

The development of the human resources potential of the gas industry is of great importance. The organization of such a large-scale professional competition only highlights this statement. Over the years of its existence, the competition has become a powerful stimulus for professional growth, and an excellent platform for the exchange of best practices,” Manas Tassybayev noted in his reporting speech.

Within the 12 months of 2022 in line with systematic approach for training, retraining and advanced training of the Company's workforce, 13 126 employees accomplished the training, including:

- 2 174 employees in format of training courses;

- 10 376 employees took the distant learning format;

- 576 studies in independent external training centers.


Within the framework of the grants allocation for training under the Young Specialist Program, the Company entered into an agreement for cooperation in the field of higher education addressing the system of personnel training with the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas, NJSC. Under this agreement, Intergas Central Asia sent 7 students to study at the technical departments of the institution. The students were later accepted for practical training at the Company's production facilities. After graduation, these students will compete to have the employment opportunity in ICA branches.

The General Director of Intergas Central Asia, JSC in his speech noted that during the reporting period, the Company fully fulfilled all social obligations for its employees, timely remitting, in addition to salaries and bonuses for compliance with certain performance objectives, the other payments like financial aid to employees, social benefits, social guarantees, compensation payments, lump-sum payments and bonuses.

Meanwhile, from January 2022, the salaries paid to the Company’s employees have been increased compared to 2021 (excluding the monthly indexation of 6%):

- for production personnel by 30% (or, in fact, by 24%);

- for administrative personnel by 20% (or, in fact, by 14%).


Being fully aware of the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities, the company pursues the ongoing activities as to prevent diseases among the workers, as well as to ensure the staff treatment and rehabilitation during the holidays period, ICA Trade Union concluded agreements with health resorts, dispensaries and houses of recreation located on the territory of Kazakhstan. Thus, within the past year, 1 202 employees and 736 members of their families received access to health resorts facilities, 1 095 employees and members of their families had a recreation trip to stay in the Burabai guest house, and 1 830 children of the Company’s employees stayed in children’s health camps.

As part of the social program, from 1 February 2022, an Agreement for optional medical insurance in case of disease of employees and their families was signed with the insurance company JSC Kazakh Corporation for Health and Medical Insurance INTERTEACH. The company provided its employees with the opportunity to receive highly qualified medical care in comfortable conditions and use expensive types of diagnostics and treatment using the most modern medical technologies.

By that, from 1 February 2022, the package limits were increased by 6% compared to 2021. A separate limit for dentistry and for the purchase of medicines, as prescribed by a doctor, which is subject to be combined with the basic total amount for the convenience of employees and their families, amounted to 90 000 Tenge. At the end of 2022, the Company insured 8 683 employees.

In order to promote healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, active recreation and improve the health of the employees, the Company, in collaboration with the Trade Union, provides for favourable  conditions sports activities from renting gyms to acquiring sports equipment. During 2022, various sports competitions, corporate team buildings and festive events were held at the Company's branches. Employees of Intergas Central Asia took an active part in the summer corporate Sports and Games event of JSC NC QazaqGaz, taking the honorable 1st place in the team count.


As part of the social support, the campaign “For the first Time to the First Grade” was held, when more than 750 children of the Company's employees received schoolbags equipped with all basic school supplies.

In December 2022, children's New Year's parties were held and New Year's gifts were purchased for all children of the Company's employees under 12 years.

 In order to maintain the social stability in all divisions of the Company (including remote and small production divisions), the heads of branches held meetings with staff teams. During the meetings, the employees were informed of the main directions for the personnel policy, with the system of remuneration and social package. Employees of the Central Office, Heads of branches and representatives of the Trade Union gave detailed answers to all questions of interest raised by the staff.


Safety, Health and Environment

 Summing the results by the end of 2022, the Company recorded two production-related accidents. The "0" level of occupational diseases was achieved. Given the strategic importance of health and safety issues, environmental protection, the year of 2022 was declared in Intergas Central Asia JSC as the year of safety and health protection “Kauipsiz enbek - 2022”, within the framework of which the following activities were carried out, namely:

-     36 employees of ICA accomplished the training and received international certificates on “Safe organization of work under the IOSH system” Managing Safely (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health);

-     77 employees at production departments were trained in providing emergency pre-hospital medical care verified with an issued certificate (Paramedic);

-     sports and health-improving events were held in all branches of the Company under the auspices of “Healthy mind in a healthy body”;

-     a competition was held among the children of ICA employees for the best publication “Safety at work and the environment through the eyes of children”.

-     Conduct of a large-scale training session on the basis of the Karaozek compressor station at the UMG Kyzylorda;

-     Actions called to improve the environmental situation in the regions (good will cleaning aid, work on bio-education, planting of trees and vegetation);

-     organization of employees training on the topic "Low-carbon development" for the Company's employees involved in obtaining the ESG rating.


In the area of industrial and fire safety, Intergas Central Asia conducted integrated emergency response training. The training statistics for 2022 looks as follows:

-     Integrated studies - 42;

-     Emergency response training – 2,577;

-     Fire -tactical exercises - 610.

 On production issues inspection, the Commission of the 3rd level of inspection of the ICA Central Office carried out inspection raids at the facilities for compliance with labor protection and safety requirements. The number of detected violations, by type, was:

-     Occupational safety - 17;

-     Ecology - 26;

-     Fire safety - 45;

-     Industrial safety - 483.

 Youth-oriented Policy

 In 2022, in line with the personnel regulations modifications, the composition of the Council of Young Specialists of Intergas Central Asia, JSC (hereinafter, “the Council”) was re-elected.

Young workers took an active part as volunteers during the republican referendum (meeting, accompaniment of foreign observers and delegations). As a result of the work, three employees were awarded letters of gratitude from the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

 Also, in 2022, the young employees of the Company's branches, together with the young employees of the group of companies of QazaqGaz NC, JSC and local executive authorities (akimats), carried out the following events:

1) Assistance to the elderly;

2) Assistance to orphans;

3) Assistance to children with cancer;

4) Good will cleaning aid, or, subbotniks;

5) Environmental actions.  

Highly motivated participation in the organization of the summer sports days as volunteers of the young employees was financially awarded by QazaqGaz NC, JSC. In December 2022, young employees of the Company's headquarters, together with employees of the QazaqGaz NC, JSC group of companies, held the Wish Tree Charity event (fulfillment of the wishes of children in need of special attention). Gifts for 180 children were purchased at the employees' own expense. New Year's charity events were also held in the regional branches of the Company.

 Summing up the results of the reporting meeting, Manas Tassybayev thanked the team of the employees for the fruitful work, emphasizing that the successful implementation of all the tasks set was achieved thanks to the company's personnel - a strong and energetic team of professionals.

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